Tuesday, December 19, 2006

mistress of solitude...

Oh mistress of solitude
At the doorsteps
Of your sacred palace
I stand, like a stranger
Holding the rose
The red of my heart

In your sad silent tears
Swept down were my dreams
With a sigh, went
My hopes... My faith
Dead were my flowers
By the sparks of your mind
Like a night, silently
Moving away from the day
It’s my time to part...

In the lonely path
Of your memories
Once you will see me
Once you’ll discover
My footsteps...
Even then my soul
Will whisper to you
That I loved you once
Like the silent night
It’s my time to part...

:) as u understud, a desperate attempt to try 'vayalar' [for those whu are not familiar with malayalam poetry..he was one of the greatest]

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Under those Shades

Under those Shades *
In these stone steps...
Under these tree shades...
If u had sit once again
I would have covered you
With all the flowers the fall brought down..

Like the silence of a cloudy dusk
If you had come to me
I would have been that monsoon
Which would light up that dark
With all the lightning sparks in me…

If in a winter you woke up
As a blossom colored by dew
I would have given you the red
Glowing inside my heart and
All that warmth left in my soul…

Will these rains and the changing seasons
Converge the paths of life
To a point of time
For that would have written those
Unsaid words on an unseen rose of the heart…

Ps:* in name of something :)...

In my heaven of darkness...

Asleep in the depths of darkness,I was aroused
Aroused to see my feathers coloured in life
Given was my outstretched wings an open sky,
And a nest in your hearts branch
For the dusk ...

Every small blossom,every gentle breeze
Brings your thoughts in me
Where else will i get that ocean to fill
When my lifes drying up
Where else can i find that sky which
You spout with your kindness

After the streams lullabies weakens
When the last nightangle pauses
When even the stones turn out sugar
May the time lose its way, but
My heart will be with yours
And that will be my refuge...

Never can i detach from your heart
May it be the heaven that calls
Like rain drops on the sky
I will fall...
Fall and merge in the ocean of your heart
And that is my heaven
Only there lies my truth and salvage...

inspired by V.Madhusoodhanan Nair's famous Malayalam Poem 'Irulin Mahanidrayil...'